What is a Dramaturg?
Dramaturgs occupy the in-between spaces of theater. In-between actor and script (creating an actor packet or lexicon), in-between audience and performance (hosting talkback sessions, preparing lobby displays or writing programs), in between a company's artistic objective and its plays (selecting plays to be performed that season), in between a community and its foreign director (they have tools to question and explore the bias foreigners bring to their work). My Dramaturgy has mainly focused on research, asking questions, liaison-type positions, and curation. We're conversation starters, and opportunity makers.

Actor Packet: Tartuffe
Tartuffe is Andy Jones' Newfoundland adaptation of Molière's Tartuffe. Loads of fun and witty humour. When the playwright Andy Jones came to see his play performed, I was jointly responsible for his needs.

Newfoundland Lexicon: Tartuffe
Newfoundland is an island in Canada settled mainly by the English and Irish. These folk brought lots of unique vocabulary accross the ocean which I researched. It would have been an exorbitant amount of work for actors to do on their own.

Interview with Michael Devine
Where I interview the director of Last Days of Judas Iscariot.

Actor Packet: Last Days of Judas Iscariot
Excuse the greusome image of the devil claiming Judas' soul!
This was a fun play to research. It was also the first time I really dug into the bible, and learned of its stories, saints, and disciples.

Curator for outdoor interactive art showcase
The goal is to invite artists pick any kind of art form, use it in an interactive way that strengthens community (and reflects COVID guidelines).
I spearheaded this event, researched and wrote the call for artists, collaborated with artists, researched fast evolving COVID guidelines, and then got really sad when our event got cancelled. This was near the beginning of the pandemic when so many people were shut away. All I wanted to do was put on an event that would bring the community together creatively and safely.
Lobby display: Depictions of Judas throughout the ages in various forms of art
Lobby display: Nice long timeline of Newfoundland history.
Lobby display: Included in Newfoundland's timeline is the Anti Confederation song. Politics is personal.
Lobby display: Images of life in Newfoundland